Pedal Guitar Headrush Core Guitar and Vocal Effects Processor

Giá gốc 27.300.000₫
  • Bảo hành 12 tháng.
  • Tặng Cáp kết nối khi mua cùng Đàn Guitar.
  • Giao hàng:
    • Khu vực TP.HCM và các vùng lân cận: Giao hàng trong vòng 02 tiếng.
    • Các tỉnh thành khác trên cả nước: Thời gian giao hàng từ 01 đến 03 ngày.
  • Trả góp: 03/06/09/12 tháng.
  • Liên hệ Việt Music ngay để nhận tư vấn và thông tin chi tiết:

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    Đặc Điểm:

  • Hiệu Ứng: Compresor & EQ
  • Pin: Không
  • Loại Pedal: Guitar Điện, Guitar Acoustic - Classic

Pedal Guitar Headrush Core Antares Auto Tune.

The HeadRush CORE Guitar and Vocal Effects Processor is a multifaceted powerhouse that brings your guitar and vocal tones to life. Packed with a vast library of realistic and responsive guitar FX, amps, cabs, and microphone emulations, the HeadRush Core opens doors to virtually unlimited impulse response loading. For vocalists, it offers a comprehensive suite of vocal FX, including the industry-standard Antares Auto-Tune , and a top-tier looper. All these features are driven by an advanced multi-core processor, wrapped in a compact, rugged steel chassis, and controlled via an easy-to-use 7" touch interface.

This processor not only provides premium emulations of vintage, modern, and boutique guitar gear, but also expands its library through regular firmware updates. Its proprietary 'smart cloning' technology allows you to expand your onboard amp and FX library using real gear. All these, along with an intuitive looper and practice tools, make the HeadRush Core a complete guitar and vocal rig right at your feet. Moreover, the Core is equipped with numerous I/O options, including Wi-Fi and USB Audio, ensuring efficient connectivity for different performance scenarios.

Thông Số Chi Tiết.

Footswitches Five - Footswitches with colour LEDs
Display 7” full-colour display with touch interface
Knobs Three - 300° main volume knob, 300° headphone volume knob, 360° navigation/data encoder
Connections 1/4” (6.35 mm) TS input (guitar), XLR / 1/4" (6.35 mm) input (microphone), 1/4” (6.35 mm) TRS input (expression pedal), 1/4” (6.35 mm) TS input (expression pedal toe switch) 1/8” (3.5 mm) stereo input (auxiliary device), 1/4” (6.35 mm) TRS output (external amp footswitch) 1/4” (6.35 mm) stereo pair outputs, XLR stereo pair outputs, 1/8” (3.5 mm) stereo headphone output, 1/4” (6.35 mm) TRS input (FX send), 1/4” (6.35 mm) TRS output (FX return), (1) 5-pin MIDI input, (1) 5-pin MIDI output, USB Type-A port, USB Type-B port
Power 12V DC, 3A, center-positive
Includes HeadRush Core, USB Cable, Power Cable, Software Download Card, Quickstart Guide, Safety and warranty Manual
Dimensions 16.08" (W) x 9.24" (D) x 2.64" (H)
Weight 3.80 kg / 8.37 lbs

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  • Trả góp 0% lãi suất: 03/06/09/12 tháng.
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