Pedal Guitar MXR M87B Blackout Series Bass Compressor.
Celebrate 15 years of MXR Bass Innovations with a special edition version of one of its most popular pedals. The MXR Blackout Series Bass Compressor features a stealthy matte black housing with gloss black text and a bright yellow LED for a super sharp aesthetic to match this pedal’s exceptional sound and performance.
As always, the MXR Bass Compressor boasts a complete array of controls—Attack, Release, Ratio, Input, and Output—that allow you to easily fine-tune your sound, from subtle peak limiting to hard squashed compression effects. With exceptional transparency, this allows your full dynamic range to shine through until your signal reaches the compression threshold, indicated by the ten highly visible gain-reduction status LEDs. CHT™ Constant Headroom Technology gives you all the headroom you need for a clear performance. It's all packed into a durable, lightweight aluminium housing pedal that's the size of a Phase 90.
The MXR Blackout Series Bass Compressor is a special edition run of 1,500 pieces. Celebrate low-end greatness with great tone and durability and a classy new look that will hold down the look and tone of any pedalboard.
Classic studio compressor in a Phase 90-sized pedalCHTTM Constant Headroom Technology for clear, clean performanceTen Gain Reduction Status LEDs
Pedal Guitar MXR M87B Blackout Series Bass Compressor
Thông Số Chi Tiết.
Bypass | True Hardwire |
Compression Ratio | 4:1, 8:1, 12:1, 20:1 |
Attack Time | 20 μs to 800 μs |
Release Time | 50 ms to 1.1 s |
Power | 9 volts, DC |
Current Draw | 19 mA |
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tin về sản phẩm Pedal Guitar MXR M87B Blackout Series Bass Compressor.