Sự Khác Nhau Giữa Đàn Piano Cơ và Piano Điện
Piano Advice

The Difference Between an Acoustic Piano and an Electric Piano

Acoustic pianos have changed very little from the instruments of the Cristofori era - there are some changes in key length, hammer feel, and aesthetic changes to the construction of the case. However, digital pianos have undergone a major transformation thanks to weighted keys, improved rhythms, and available technologies to keep playing enjoyable, fun, and motivating.

Whether you are an advanced player, a complete beginner, or a parent investing in a piano for their child, understanding the difference between sound and look can help you make informed decisions.


Acoustic pianos produce sound with felt-coated hammers striking steel strings. An electric piano does not use hammers; instead, it features electronic speakers for playback of high-quality (demo) recordings taken from the finest acoustic pianos.

The touch of a piano is very important to the player. Playing on the hard keys can be annoying, and there are often clunks coming from the keyboard, and the keys are too light to feel "out of hand". Often the old digital pianos will have such cases. However, digital pianos have now been greatly improved in terms of key quality, a situation that is almost no longer encountered in new digital pianos.

The digital piano can simulate the weighted keys of the sound with a seamless, lifelike hammer. There is even an option on some digital pianos to adjust the touch sensitivity of the keys to suit the player's preferences. Low touch sensitivity means players have to press the keys harder to make them louder. High touch sensitivity means you don't have to press hard for the same great results.

Digital pianos have built-in sounds of many different instruments so that you can change your playing style as well as change the sound to match the color of the music. Changing the sound of a church organ or harpsichord is simple: with the touch of a button. Some digital pianos allow you to split the keyboard so that a certain sound is played at the bottom with another sound at the top. This can create a more varied and expressive performance, and learners often have an enjoyable experience with the sound.


When choosing a piano for your home, it is important to think about where it will be stored. Acoustic pianos need to be placed in a room where the temperature does not fluctuate because changes in humidity can affect the tuning of the strings.

A digital piano, on the other hand, requires no tuning or maintenance so it can be placed in any room regardless of the temperature. Its portability means you can move or relocate it without too much trouble. Acoustic pianos are usually very heavy and tend to stay in one place.

Digital piano size:

There are many models of many different brands, but the size change is not large.

VD. Roland RP-102 digital piano has the following dimensions:

  • Width: 1,379 mm
  • Height: 977 mm
  • Depth: 413 mm
  • Weight: 37.8kg

VD2: Dimensions of Yamaha Digital Piano

  • Width: 1,326 mm
  • Height: 145 mm
  • Depth: 295 mm
  • Weight: 11.5kg

Dimensions of an acoustic piano:

The average size of an upright acoustic piano has:

  • Height about 90 - 152cm
  • Width is 147cm
  • Length: 131cm
  • Weight: 265kg


Connecting headphones on the digital piano eliminates any limitations when trying to squeeze in some early morning or late night practice sessions. Plug in a set of headphones for immediate and direct sound, and build confidence by playing in private. It also keeps family, friends, and neighbors at peace, when you don't want to disturb them.
Some digital pianos have two headphone sockets so you can play alone with friends or with a tutor to analyze, compliment, and enjoy your music.


Everyone experiences a drop in motivation, whether you've been playing for years or just started learning under a teacher. This is where a digital piano can really come into its own. The digital piano has the ability to connect to an iPad/iPhone and use a range of apps to encourage practice. Whether it's easy to learn note-taking games, digital sheet music, or on-screen instructions to improve hand and finger actions, there's often an app to help and improve your performance. Friend.
The built-in metronome on a digital piano is a blessing when learning a new piece of music or tackling the choreography while learning. It helps to improve your rhythmic skills and develop your inner timing. In addition, you can use the recording function and listen to your performance again - this is a great way to analyze and improve.


Tuning: Acoustic pianos need regular tuning as well as general maintenance and repair. Digital pianos require no tuning.
Space: Acoustic pianos are larger than digital pianos and require more space for optimal sound.
Portability: digital pianos are generally lighter in weight and can be moved and transported without any hassle.
Technology: digital pianos have built-in features that allow for experimentation at play, can be motivating for practice, and allow players to explore songwriting and recording
Versatility: acoustic pianos offer only one sound; a digital piano that gives you a wide choice of pianos and other instruments

Please see more: experience of buying a digital piano

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