Chức năng của từng bộ phận trên trống jazz
Drum & Percussion Consulting

Chức năng của từng bộ phận trên trống jazz

What is a jazz drum?

The jazz drum set is based on the drums of the marching band, including the bass drum, snare drum, timpano, and cymbals. cymbals). Instead of each musician wearing a drum to march with the brass as before, the creators of the jazz drum set thought of ways to combine all types of drums so that players could use them. Both his hands and feet play all kinds of drums at the same time.

Functions of each part on a jazz drum

Functions of each part on a jazz drum
  • Kick, snare, hi-hat :

These are the three basic components in any drum kit. They form the backbone of most drum beats, and are often upgraded as the artist gains more experience.

  • Bass Drum (Kick): The bass drum, also known as a kick drum, is the loudest of the parts. Located in the center of the drum set and played with a foot pedal. The task of creating the deepest, bass tones.
  • Snare Drum: is the main drum. Mounted on a stand and positioned between the drummer's knees, and produces a loud crisp sound.
  • Hi-Hat: The hi-hat is a set of two cymbals positioned next to the snare drum. It works by linking to a pedal to customize tonal effects as desired throughout the track.
  • Toms

Tom often produces a hollow sound at different notes depending on the size of the drum. Most drum kits have one or more toms mounted on top of the bass drum or hung on hardware along with the cymbal. And there is the biggest tom lying on the floor (floor tom).

  • Tall Tom : This is the smallest tom and is attached to the left of the player next to the snare and hihat drums.
  • Middle tom : for a thicker and deeper sound than the high tom, placed next to the high tom.
  • Bottom Tom : The largest tom, usually fitted with 3 load-bearing legs and placed on the floor on the right of the player.


In addition to the hi-hat mentioned above, almost any drum kit will have additional cymbals of different sizes:

Genuine HCM cymbal

1.Crash Cymbals: The cymbals come in a variety of sizes and are mounted on the left tom. Usually produces the brightest and loudest sound in a drum kit.

2.Ride Cymbals: This is larger than the crash cymbal, and usually hangs above or near the lower right tom. Produces a soft, deep sound

Throne (seat)

Many entry-level drum sets usually include a throne , but check that out again. Regular chairs and office chairs are too tall for a drum set, so if the sets you're looking for don't include a chair, you'll want to buy one. You'll find a wide variety of empty seats to suit any budget.

Throne (seat) Yamaha

Stick (Drumstick)
Genuine Tama Drumsticks

A jazz drum kit cannot function without this accessory, the drumsticks on the market come in many different sizes and brands. You can choose for yourself the most suitable pair. The effect of the club as you may know, the player holds an awl in one hand and touches each part on the drum to create different chromatic sounds.

See also: Top 3 single pedals for kick drums worth buying


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