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8 Reasons It's Time to Buy a Better Electric Guitar

You will never forget your first piano. Some of us will even keep it for life. However, most of us often don't choose our favorite guitar the first time we buy it, so there will come a time when we feel like we need to buy a new one.

As you continue to make steady progress in your guitar journey, you'll begin to learn more and more about what you like, don't like, want or need. The more you expose yourself to different musical styles, different playing styles, the better you'll understand why you should consider buying your next electric guitar . If you find yourself in this position and you're struggling to justify your feelings about opening your wallet, here are 8 reasons why it might be time to upgrade to an electric guitar. better.

Do you think you deserve something better?

Okay, over time, you've found yourself making great progress practicing your old riffs, favorite solos, and memorizing the best songs from start to finish. Remember when you told yourself not to invest too much in your first electric guitar? So that when you know how to play, you will upgrade a better guitar. Well, look where you are! You've outgrown your first electric guitar and it's obvious you should get a new one.

If you feel that you've proven yourself at practice and are at a stage where you can burn out with an expensive guitar without feeling self-conscious, then we think you should do it. there.

8 Reasons It's Time to Buy a Better Electric Guitar

You need better sound

Beginner electric guitars marketed to begin with tend to fine tune complex features to make it easy for new players to play. There's less to worry about, meaning you can now just focus on getting up to speed. But there will come a time when you hear your favorite songs and you wonder how you get to play those sounds. Then it's most likely the sound from a 7-stringed guitar! Or from one of those fancy out-of-phase pickup locations. You don't often see such features on low-end guitars. However, when practiced long enough and mastered enough, this becomes a perfectly good reason to upgrade to a better electric guitar.

8 Reasons It's Time to Buy a Better Electric Guitar

It's time to upgrade the show

There's no denying that some guitars will suit certain musical styles better than others, that doesn't mean it can't be impossible to make long, easy plays on a single guitar. Classic telecaster , it's just that it's not designed for you to do it most effectively.

There are many guitars designed for musical styles that require a higher level of performance. Instruments with flatter frets and thinner necks allow you to play at top speed. The guitar has an adjustable buckle that allows you to play freely without getting out of tune. There are so many guitars with state-of-the-art features that later on, you'll probably realize, "Oh, I need them".

8 Reasons It's Time to Buy a Better Electric Guitar

You want a more beautiful guitar

We all vividly remember the day we bought our first guitar - especially the difficulty in finding one that fits our budget. Frequently, we have to make some compromises. And one of those compromises could be aesthetics.

We firmly believe that the guitar you play will be an inspiration for you to stick with playing. And there's nothing more regrettable than not wanting to go with your guitar anymore just because you've fallen out of love with the way it looks. We all have different tastes in guitar aesthetics, and if the style or look of your guitar gives you even more pleasure in playing, then why not buy one? New guitar?

8 Reasons It's Time to Buy a Better Electric Guitar

Your music preferences have changed

Perhaps your first guitar was a classic Stratocaster, but now you're in love with the Djent. Or you started with an old fashioned guitar and now you're playing John Mayer-esque blues.

This is completely normal on the journey of self-discovery in the world of music! As mentioned above, every guitar has its strengths and weaknesses, and it's perfectly legitimate to find one that fits what you want to play. That's why so many guitarists have a collection of guitars - one for each style or even one for a particular song!

8 Reasons It's Time to Buy a Better Electric Guitar

You need a more professional musical instrument

There are many guitars that are designed to be versatile. But even the most versatile instruments can't do what some specialized instruments offer. Take for example a 12-string guitar.

Some guitars like the Fender's Acoustasonic line of Fender guitars open up a world of tone not possible on a traditional electric guitar. If you discover that you are ready to expand your creativity to the next level, then such specialized instruments will provide you with endless hours of play and fun.

8 Reasons It's Time to Buy a Better Electric Guitar

You want a guitar with a better sound?

Low-end electric guitars usually come with low-end pickups. They're mostly designed to be as flexible as possible, so you're not limited to a few play styles. Most of them will sound great, but sometimes you'll find they're still 10% short of perfect. This is one of the more common reasons that players upgrade their electric guitars.

Higher end guitars often have higher end pickups. But it's not just pickups that contribute to their excellent tones. Higher sound quality, electrical components and design sophistication make them sound even better. That's why we have the saying 'you get what you pay for'.

8 Reasons It's Time to Buy a Better Electric Guitar

Do you want to enjoy the finer things in life?

That is absolutely awesome! If you can afford a lavish Custom Shop guitar - we recommend it! Nothing in the world compares to the feeling of pride when owning a dream guitar. There's nothing like unboxing with pride and joy, even better when you enjoy playing and appreciate the sound of it.

8 Reasons It's Time to Buy a Better Electric Guitar

It's time to upgrade your electric guitar

The journey of playing guitar is a journey that never ends. The important thing is to enjoy every second of being in the present. So, is it time to upgrade your electric guitar? Only you know best! Viet Music has a wide range of electric guitars for all levels and needs. If you need more inspiration! Check out our collection of top-notch guitars to see when you feel it's time to upgrade your electric guitar.

See more:

- The Most Outstanding Fender Electric Guitar Series

- Best selling electric guitar


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