Hộp Đựng Âm Thanh SKB 1SKB-R8UW Rolling Roto Rack Case

原價 11.990.000₫
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  • Trả góp: 03/06/09/12 tháng.
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Hộp Đựng Âm Thanh SKB 1SKBR8UW Rolling Roto Rack Case.

SKB has made outstanding upgrades to their already-stellar Roto cases. This new design includes a one-touch pull handle and back-lid mounted wheels that make the long walk to the show easy. The exteriors have also been modified, making these new Roto Rolling Racks stackable with existing standard and shallow racks. In addition, these new racks feature four military grade butterfly latches that secure each lid with an internal rubber gasket for waterproof protection of your gear. Gigging musicians and live sound engineers at Sweetwater trust SKB Roto Rolling Racks to protect their mixers, outboard processors, DJ rigs, and much more.

Thông Số Chi Tiết.

Int Depth Lid to Lid 20.5"
Int Depth Front Rack to Back Lid 17.75"
Lid Depth 2.25" (front), 2.75" (rear)
External Height 18.25"
External Width 22.5"
External Depth 26.5"
External Material Roto-molded Polyethylene
Weight 29 lbs.

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