Trống Snare Tama Starclassic Walnut/Birch Limited WBSS65BB

Giá gốc 13.530.000₫
  • Bảo hành 12 tháng.
  • Giao hàng:
    • Khu vực TP.HCM và các vùng lân cận: Giao hàng trong vòng 02 tiếng.
    • Các tỉnh thành khác trên cả nước: Thời gian giao hàng từ 01 đến 03 ngày.
  • Trả góp: 03/06/09/12 tháng.
  • Liên hệ Việt Music ngay để nhận tư vấn và thông tin chi tiết:

Trống Snare Tama Starclassic Walnut/Birch Limited WBSS65BB.

The evolution of Starclassic from maple, birch, bubinga, birch/bubinga continues, and now - after intense analysis, rigorous research, development and product testing - TAMA have arrived at the latest Starclassic modern development, Starclassic Walnut/Birch.

They discovered the perfect ratio of walnut to birch that produced a superior quality of low-to-mid frequency warmth that perfectly complemented the clear attack and higher frequency projection of birch. The sound is familiar, but distinctively different from Tama sounds of the past.

The Starclassic series continues to be a representation of TAMA's collective drum-making passion, wisdom and pursuit tooffer refined and differentiated sounds. Starclassic Walnut/Birch defines TAMA's commitment to evolving their drum sounds and inspires the contemporary drummer.


  • American Black Walnut Shell
  • Limited Vemilion Bosse Fonce Fade finish
  • Black Nickel Shell Hardware

Thông Số Chi Tiết.

  • Product Code: WBSS65BB-VBF
  • Finish: Vermillion Bosse Fonce Fade (VBF)
  • Shell: 6mm, 4-ply Birch + 1 Outer Ply Bosse Fonce + 2 Inner Ply American Black Walnut
  • Size: 14'' x 6.5''
  • Lug: MSL-SCTBN
  • Hoop: Die-Cast Hoops (10 Hole)
  • Strainer/Butt: MLS30ABN / MLS30BBN
  • Snare Wire: Super Sensitive Hi-Carbon Snare Wires (MS20RL14C)
  • Colour: Vermillion Bosse Fonce Fade

Xin mời liên hệ Việt Music để nhận tư vấn và biết thêm thông tin về sản phẩm Trống Snare Tama Starclassic Walnut/Birch Limited WBSS65BB.







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